The Fathers of Holy Cross, Durjoynagar, Airport Road, Agartala - 799 009, West Tripura, INDIA. Tel: +91 381 2342177 Fax: +91 381 2342572 Website:
Friday, December 4, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009
Nutshell presentation of the work of an NGO called Assocation of Social and Human Advancmement (ASHA) which is the official social service wings of the fathers of Holy Cross, northeast India, situated at Damdamia, lembucherra post, Agartala, West Tripura, INDIA.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Bamboo Craft Training - ASHA Holy Cross, 2009
(ASHA) HOLY CROSS CENTER renders its service for training of the local ordinary people in Bamboo Craft, in collaboration with the government of Tripura. Many of the artesians have passed out from ASHA center and started their own production in their own places.
Here, we have a short video clip of Bamboo craft training being conducted in ASHA center.
For details information:
Holy Cross Media Ministry, Mob: 09436540714

Walking For Peace

The peace rally ended at the school campus of the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV), 82 miles where the students of JNV joined in walking for peace. The concluding ceremony was organized at the JNV School by the students of Holy Cross School with variety entertainments, like dances, speeches and
This is also an occasion for the students of Holy Cross School, Kathalcherra to meet and interact for a good cause with the students of JNV
Fr. CV Jose principal of Holy Cross School, Kathalcherra emphasized that, “Peace is the value we cherish most and it does not come without sacrifice. Today by walking for peace we want to show that peace is possible”.
Media coverage by Holy Cross Media Ministry, ASHA, Agartala.
The whole event of peace rally is available in DVD at Holy Cross Media Ministry, ASHA, Agartala
Contact Number: Mob: 09436540714
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Panisagar Holy Cross School
The occasion was graced with the presence of the chief guest Dr. Sankar Das Chief Medical Surgoen of Panisagar Hospital, Fr. Adaikalam a senior Holy Cross missionary in Tripura, Fr. John PKC the Director of Holy Cross Media Ministry along with good number of parents and well wishers.
Being Children's day, the teachers staged beautiful and educative programs which were entertaining for the students. Some of the artists among the students also performed their talents . It was also a day to honour those students who came out with fying colors in their academinc as well as in the various activities organised by the school.
The chief guest expressed his appreciation for the dedication and service of the Holy Cross School management in developing the talents of the students not only in academic but also in various fields to make the students grow as good human person.
Saturday, October 31, 2009

The first ever Eucharistic Procession for the whole Tripura (Agartala Diocese) was successfully organized at Agartala town by All India Catholic Union of Agartala Diocese (AICU) on 31st October 2009. The program began with exposition of Holy Eucharist by Rev. Fr. Hormis John CSC, Vicar of the Diocese and Rev. Fr. Cyprian SVD led the faithful into a prayerful atmosphere. There were readings of Holy Scriptures in different languages and breaking the word of God in Bengali by Rev. Fr. Joachim SVD, Fr. Sunny SDB shared in English and Fr. Joe Paul CSC in Kokborak language.
The climax of the program was Eucharistic procession in the streets of Agartala town by more than Eight thousand (8000) faithful coming from 16 parishes of Agartala diocese. This was the first time that the Catholic Church in Tripura gathered in such a large number to profess their faith in public and proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Thanks to the government for introducing good transport and communications system which enhance the successful participation of this gathering.
The procession came to an end with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, led by Most Rev Bishop Lumen Monteiro, CSC DD Bishop of Agartala. The program came to an end with words of thanks and gratitude from Mr. Paul Darlong, the secretary of AICU on behalf of the organizing committee to all the participants.
Reporter: Fr. John PKC, CSC
Holy Cross Media
Pictures are available at the right column:
The first ever Eucharistic Procession for the whole Tripura (Agartala Diocese) was successfully organized at Agartala town by All India Catholic Union of Agartala Diocese (IACU) on 31st October 2009. The program began with exposition of Holy Eucharist by Rev. Fr. Hormis John CSC, Vicar of the Diocese and Rev. Fr. Suprian SVD led the faithful into a prayerful atmosphere. There were readings of Holy Scriptures in different languages and breaking the word of God in Bengali by Rev. Fr. Joachim SVD, Fr. Sunny SDB shared in English and Fr. Joe Paul CSC in Kokborak language.
The climax of the program was Eucharistic procession in the streets of Agartala town by more than three thousand faithful coming from 16 parishes of Agartala diocese. This was the first time that the Catholic Church in Tripura gathered in such a large number to profess their faith in public and proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Thanks to the government for introducing good transport and communications system which enhance the successful participation of this gathering.
The procession came to an end with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, led by Most Rev Bishop Lumen Monteiro, CSC DD Bishop of Agartala. The program came to an end with words of thanks and gratitude from Mr. Paul Darlong, the secretary of AICU on behalf of the organizing committee to all the participants.
Reporter: Fr. John PKC, CSC
Holy Cross Media
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inter-diocese Cultural Exchange Program between Agartala diocese and Kohima diocese was organized by JUST from 18th – 26th September 2009.
About 40 youth from Agartala diocese under the leadership of Rev Fr. John PKC, CSC, went to Nagaland for inter-diocese cultural exchange program. They took part in two days National Youth Peace Festival and Peace Award – 2009 organized by Peace Channel under Kohima diocese at Holy Cross School Auditorium, Dimapur. There were about 700 delegates from different parts of India. A kokborok dance was presented during the mega cultural show was appreciated by all.
The inter diocese cultural exchange program was hoisted by St. Paul Institute of Education, Phesama under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Sunny Augustine, SJ. During the two days cultural exchange program, there were presentation of different traditional dances and sharing of ideas from both the parties. They also had chance of visiting important places in Kohima and interaction with the local village people. Indeed it was an enriching experience for all the participants.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Supply for Holy Cross Press at ASHA

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Third Provincial Chapter Begins

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Perpetual Commitment of Srs Charilin & Melissa

The Eucharistic celebration was offered by Most. Rev. Bishop Lumen Monteiro, CSC, DD, Bishop of Agartala. Sr. Noeline, the provincial superior of Northeast province received the vows. Sr. Sandhya the assistant provincial superior and Sr. Cleopha the second provincial councilor were the witnesses. There were about 7 priests and a large number of religious sisters along with the relatives and well wishers also present at the ceremony.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

On this occasion the Bishop urged the faithful to pray for more vocations so that many more young boys and girls may come forward responding the need of the local Church and to serve the people of God in the diocese of Agartala.
Fr. Joshy was born at Vagaman in Idukki district of Kerala in the year 1976. He joined the diocese of Agartala in 2005 and he was send to different parishes of the dioceses for village experience. Then, in 2006, he was send to Orient Theological College for his theological studies. After completion of his studies, he was promoted to the order of Deacon in the year 2008 and did his diaconate ministry at St. Joseph Parish, Agartala.
Fr. Joshy is appointed as the Asst. Parish of the newly erected Khumlung Parish and we wish him all the success in his new ministry as a Priest.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
At the concluding ceremony, Fr. Robert Mathias, CSC, the director of JUST, was the chief guest who encourages the members for this new venture and wish them all the success in this peace project.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Youth in action at ASHA for streetplay

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Light of Easter Vigil at Blessed Andre Parish, Bodjungnagar

Monday, April 6, 2009
Palm Sunday celebrated at Agartala

The irony of Palm Sunday is that none of the glory of the day would last beyond the following week. Such turns and twists and ironies are not unknown to each of us. We have all experienced the alternating course which life lays before us: acceptance/rejection, victory/defeat, hope/despair, love/loneliness. Jesus was exalted on Palm Sunday, but he knew it wouldn't last. Yet, his love and mercy remained intact; he would never surrender to despair or hatred. As we face the daily ironies of our lives, we would do well to remember Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday was meaningfully celebrated at St. Joseph's Church, Durjoynagar, Agartala. The procession began from Holy Cross School and there were many faithful participated remembering the great entry of Jesus Christ into the city of Jerusalem. The procession was followed by Holy Eucharist presided over by Rev. Shaji ML, CSC along with other eight priests.
It was indeed moment of witnessing Jesus Christ in the street of Agartala through which we proclaim to the people that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Passion of Jesus Is Our Reason for HopeBiblical Reflection for Palm Sunday
TORONTO, APRIL 1, 2009 ( The Passion, suffering, death and resurrection of the Lord are the very themes that unite us as a Christian people and a Church during Holy Week.
This year on Palm Sunday, we listen attentively to Mark's Passion story of Jesus' final days and hours on earth. It is a story of striking contrasts. As we hear anew this moving story, Jesus' passion penetrates the numbness of our lives. This week in particular, we have a privileged opportunity to learn from what happened to Jesus and discover not only the identity of those who tried, condemned and killed him long ago, but also what killed Jesus and what vicious circles of violence, brutality, hatred and jealousy continue to crucify him today in his brothers and sisters of the human family.
In Mark's jarring Passion story, we witness the anguish of Jesus who has been totally abandoned by friends and disciples. Jesus is resigned to his fate. He makes no response to Judas when he betrays him nor to Pilate during his interrogation. In Mark, Pilate makes no effort to save him, as the Roman procurator does in the other three Gospels.
When we remember the events of that first Holy Week - from the upper room to Gethsemane, from Pilate's judgment seat to Golgotha, from the cross to the empty tomb, Jesus turns our world and its value system upside down. He teaches us that true authority is found in dedicated service and generosity to others; greatness is centered in humility; the just and loving will be exalted by God in God's good time.* * *
Holy Cross Superior Makes Pro-Life Appeal to Obama

SOUTH BEND, Indiana, APRIL 1, 2009 ( A coalition of student groups at the University of Notre Dame will hold a prayer rally to protest the school's choice to honor President Barack Obama at this year's commencement.
The rally, to take place on Palm Sunday, is sponsored by Notre Dame Response, a coalition that formed to speak out against the Catholic university's decision to invite the U.S. president to give its commencement speech, and to receive an honorary law degree.
In a press statement released Tuesday, the coalition noted its hope "that through this prayerful and public demonstration on Palm Sunday, the university community will be respectfully reminded to celebrate its Catholic character and to defend those non-negotiable principles for which Notre Dame stands, including an overarching recognition of the inherent dignity and value of all human life.
The event will include an address on the role of Catholic institutions in the abortion debate, praying of the rosary and an offering of flowers at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes.
The coalition reiterated its commitment to "acts of witness that will be characterized by respect, prayerfulness, outspoken fidelity to the Church, and true concern for the good of our university."
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
This Week in History

March 25, 1990: Father Peyton writes, "My Magnificat". Three lessons he learned from his illness with tuberculosis: 1) Total dependence on my neighbor. We are one family, all one in Christ. 2

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Peace Club at Gondacherra

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Diocesan tribunal constituted by Arch Bishop Dominic Jala, SDB
Another mile stone in the ministry of Holy Cross -NE
Good Shepherd Parish Church Blessing at Kathalchera village

Blessing and Inauguration of Tripura’s Biggest Church
The Annual Parish sabha of Kathalcherra had a solemn ending with the blessing and inauguration of the newly christened Good Shepherd Church. In the presence of a large number of faithful, Priests and Religious, the Pastor of the Diocese Most Rev. Lumen Monteiro, CSC, blessed the newly constructed Church. Earlier Rev. Fr. Roy Thalackan, CSC, the Provincial Superior of Holy Cross Fathers cut the ribbon and inaugurated the magnificent edifice. The Church construction was begun by Fr. Mathew Ullattil, CSC and completed by Fr. Lourthuswamy, CSC. On this occasion 60 people received the Sacrament of Confirmation and 20 children received First Holy Communion. The blessing and Eucharist were followed by a variety entertainment programme and agape.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The ninth of 14 children, Basil was accustomed to a spare life; yet, by the generosity of his pastor who tutored him, he was able to achieve a good primary education. Feeling himself called to the priesthood, Basil entered the diocesan seminary in 1814, when the hostilities of the Revolution toward the Church had subsided. The seminary was run by the Sulpician Order and schooled him in the French school of spirituality which remains an inspiration in his preaching and writings all his life. At age 22 in 1821, Basil Moreau was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Le Mans, France at the Old Visitation Convent Chapel of the Sacred Heart, while the Cathedral of St. Julien in Le Mans was under restoration.
Important dates in the life of Fr. Moreau
1799 Born February 11, 1799 in Laigné-en-Belin, a little village near Le Mans, France, the 9th of 14 children; his father was a wine merchant.
1814 Entered the diocesan seminary.
1821 Ordained a priest at age 22.
1835 Taught and served as assistant superior in Le Mans; named leader of the Brothers of St. Joseph founded by Fr. Jacques Dujarié. Founded the society of Auxiliary Priests.
1837 United the brothers and priests into the Association of Holy Cross.
1840 Professed vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
1844 Received the vows of Leocadie Gascoin and three Marianites.
1857 Received papal approval of the constitutions for the Association, which became the Congregation of Holy Cross.
1866 Resigned as superior general, but continued an active preaching and retreat ministry.
1872 Celebrated his Golden Jubilee.
1873 Died on January 20 at age 73.
1955 The cause for his beatification was introduced in Rome.
2003 Proclaimed Venerable.
2007 Beatified in Le Mans