You are already aware of the enormous tragedy in Haiti due to the dev

astating earthquake. We stand by our confreres and the people of Haiti during this time of loss and pain. Fr. Hugh Cleary, the superior general has sent the following information.
“ Thank you for your prayers for the people of Haiti and for all our Holy

Cross religious, sisters, brothers and priests, living and ministering there. We have heard that many of our buildings in Port-au-Prince have been severely damaged. Our own religious, men and women, seem to be safe and accounted for except for one of the young men in the scholasticate. We just receive

d word that Father Michel Eugene, the Provincial, who had been missing since the earthquake struck, has made his way back to the community. He is safe and well, thank God. He had been at a meeting and it is only in the last half hour that we have heard of his safety. One of the temporarily professed seminarians, Emmanuel Jacques Gillaume, in the third year of his theology studies, is still missing. He had been at school taking an exam; no one has seen him or heard from him since the quake. Please keep him in your prayers. The death toll in Haiti will be staggering and the number of people without shelter and in need of medical attention will be enormous. A number of you have asked where you might send donations and relief aid. One suggestion is to send your contribution of relief aid to the Generalate here in Rome and we will coordinate a process of distribution in Haiti with the Provincial Administration”…
Whatever contribution you can make for the confreres and the people of Haiti will be much appreciated. You may send the contribution to the Administrator. Thank you for your generosity and solidarity.