Good Christians Must Also Be Good Citizens: Pope
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 01, 2007,
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 01, 2007,
Good Christians must also be good citizens, and this implies even the unpleasant task of paying taxes, says Pope Benedict XVI.
The Pope said this on Wednesday, Oct. 31, to the more than 30,000 rain-soaked participants at the general audience in St. Peter's Square. The Pontiff, continuing his series of meditations on the Fathers of the Church, spoke of St. Maximus, the bishop of Turin.
Maximus became bishop in 398, and according to the Holy Father, "contributed decisively to the spread and consolidation of Christianity in northern Italy."
Although there is little biographical information on the saint, Benedict XVI spoke of the contribution of Bishop Maximus based on 90 written sermons.
Benedict XVI acknowledged that much has changed since the time of Maximus, but "independent of changed conditions, the duties of the believer toward his city and homeland remain valid. The intimate relationship between the 'honest citizen' and the 'good Christian' continues to stand."
Summarizing the address in English, the Pope said: "Christian believers are called upon to carry out faithfully their duties as citizens, working to imbue temporal society with the spirit of the Gospel, and striving to achieve a vital synthesis between their duties as citizens of the earthly city and their commitment to work for the coming of God's kingdom of holiness, justice and peace."
The Pope said this on Wednesday, Oct. 31, to the more than 30,000 rain-soaked participants at the general audience in St. Peter's Square. The Pontiff, continuing his series of meditations on the Fathers of the Church, spoke of St. Maximus, the bishop of Turin.
Maximus became bishop in 398, and according to the Holy Father, "contributed decisively to the spread and consolidation of Christianity in northern Italy."
Although there is little biographical information on the saint, Benedict XVI spoke of the contribution of Bishop Maximus based on 90 written sermons.
Benedict XVI acknowledged that much has changed since the time of Maximus, but "independent of changed conditions, the duties of the believer toward his city and homeland remain valid. The intimate relationship between the 'honest citizen' and the 'good Christian' continues to stand."
Summarizing the address in English, the Pope said: "Christian believers are called upon to carry out faithfully their duties as citizens, working to imbue temporal society with the spirit of the Gospel, and striving to achieve a vital synthesis between their duties as citizens of the earthly city and their commitment to work for the coming of God's kingdom of holiness, justice and peace."